Filer6 requires at least ROM 1.23 for the 49G+. For a 49G+ or 49G with an older ROM version use one of the filers of the Filers package. Main advantages over the standard filer are:
- Entering first the scanned directory, not the TREE which is now on key
- No search in the menu anymore. Suitable hardkeys keep the menu small. Option KEYS provides a crib sheet to the hardkey functions, see 1st screen-shot below.
- There are several new options, e.g., a VERSION and CAS summary on key V and a powerful option on key SPC for hiding, archiving and restoring.
- ENTER leaves the filer and enters the currently scanned directory; multi-selecting is done with key +/-.
- The use of shifted keys has been minimized.
- The header is always correctly updated if changing a directory (not so in the standard filer of ROM 1.23).
Abbreviations: LS = LeftShift, RS = RightShift, the coloured keys below the ALPHA key.
What is New?
Version 5.2004: Simplified Find option on the ALPHA key known from Filer2 returned. NEW on RS DEF improved.
Version 4.2004: Key DEF (RS 2) makes option NEW more powerful. Creates directories or files also directly on the card.
Version 3.2004: Simplified. Document reading removed. This is realized by Headman. Clock toggling unshifted on key 9.
First Version released February 2004
The main application menu in Filer6 has only two pages as follows:
All other options are on hard keys.
The menu option KEYS informs on active hardkeys during a filers run, shown by the screen-shot. Active hardkeys are listed in detail below and refered to by the letter on it, provided there is any. After a while, you'll remember the relevant keys. Most options from page 1 are self-explaining. PURGE is executed with or without confirmation, depending on flag -76. Like COPY, and RCL, it may be used with multi-selection. Selection is done with the +/- key. EDITB ("Edit Best") edits like
, while LS EDITB edits an object always in a command line like LS
. For instance, pressing EDITB on PERIOD in the CAS menu, you see 2pi in the equation writer, but pressing LS EDITB you see '2*pi' in the edit line. In addition, there is a SysRPL editor on RS EDITB, displaying PERIOD as "SYMBOL ZINT 2 xPI x*". This function should only be used by those familiar with the basics of SysRPL. Note that COPY and MOVE overwrite an equally named backup when copying from a directory to a port.
IOP is a very comfortable I/O parameter setter. It sets a screen and menu for toggling wire/infrared and ascii/binary and cycling through all admissible IOPAR values relevant for the 49+. CANCEL and OK leave the IOP box and set the currently displayed values which the user might have changed. You may reset all IOPAR values to their default with Reset on the 2nd menu page. This doesn't include resetting of wire/infrared or ascii/binary because these are not stored in the reserved variable IOPAR! ~OVW toggles the Overwrite flag. The transfer options SEND, RECV and XSEND can be used with multiple choice, see e.g. Ioman.htm
is a multi-task option. It copies the selected files to the SD-card provided you are in a standard port. If a library was selected or belongs to the selection, a directory LIBS is created on the card which stores the library. This keeps the card's file structure easy to survey. If on the card,
copies the selected files to the port choosen in a special dialog box. If being in HOME or another directory,
may still do something else because from a directory you may copy to the card with COPY. Hence, in this case
saves all standard ports on the card in one keystroke. This amazing function allows returning a defective unit to the dealer and keeping all data on a card, including all libraries! HOME backups with long names are not transfered to the card since a dated HOME backup can directly be created on the card very easily with the SPC key. Note that directories and files can also directly be created with the DEF key (LS 2). You cannot create something in an empty card directory, neither with the standard filer nor with Filer6 (a bug in the operating system). You've first to copy something to make the directory non-empty. Attention: In contrast to COPY or MOVE,
never overwrites. If two objects have the same backup name in different standard ports, only the one with smaller port number is saved on the card. This concerns in particular distinct versions of the same library.
Arrow keys work as in the standard filer. For instance,
goes UPDIR,
to a selected directory. Use key U to see in the header were you are. Most hardkey options are active only if the main appl menu is present, TREE has its own menu. More options can be added to the APPS box. But these must not affect the filers application menu. For instance, from APPS you may directly run the Constants lib and I/O-functions inside a filer. Trivially valid hardkeys in the filers are not listed below (e.g. CANCEL, TurnOff). Hardkeys working both with a single item and multiple items are marked with an asterisk in the left column.
Hard Keys in Filer6 G APPS choose box (for calling additonal options inside the filers). H Toggle two distinct Header views of the filer. I Toggle inverse sorting provided a sorting (Name, Size, Type) is active. J (VAR) Toggle complete view of variables or long library titles if in a port. K (STO) store the level 1 object in the selected name by overwriting it. If in a port, the level 1 object is stored in the current directory under a corresponding name. The backup object itself is not overwritten. M * Move file to another directory or to a port. Backups in ports will be overwritten. N Does EVAL. Name sorting is on RS N. O * Order a set of selected files in a directory. P Pause (HALT). Return to the filer with CONT. The HLT indicator remains (bug in the operating system of ROM 1.23) but disappears with U. Enters the TREE from anywhere. In ports or in HOME the TREE is also launched with .
Q Quote the selected name. Quoting in ports includes port-tag. Attention: Quoting in a subdirectory on the card includes the path as a string. Only this is a valid argument for EVAL and RCL and usable in programs. R Rename. Beeps in a port since libraries and backups cannot be renamed. S Sorting files by size. T Sorting files by type. U Unsort, original order after any sorting. Removes also selection marks and updates the header (which the standard filer does not in ROM 1.23). V Version information as displayed in this screen.
Here V was pressed while visiting the card. The screen-shot shows by the way how a HOME backup looks like if made on the card with the SPC key, see below. Right after the backup symbol you see the date of creation.
W (+/-) Multi-selection. Select and go to the next or the previous item. ALPHA Find a file name after waiting for its first letter in ALPHA mode after pressing ALPHA (no double-click as in the standard filer). Case-insensitive search. For names starting with $ or other special symbols LS has to be used to obtain the character. When searching for all names starting with N or n, say, simply toggle the left-hand thumb on ALPHA with the right-hand thumb on N. • (dot) Immediate return to HOME from anywhere, also from subdirectories of HOME (doesn't work in standard filer). 0,1,2,3 Immediate entry into ports 0, 1, 2 or 3 (SD-card) from anywhere. 9 Toggles clock display. Can be actualized with key U SPC Works differently depending on whether in a directory or a port. In a directory (including HOME), a choose box is launched as shown in the screen shot. HIDE hides the selected files(s) in the current directory. It creates a nullnamed file displayed in the filer as
''...''´´ CHAR 3
which separates visibles from hiddens by putting the latter behind the nullname ´´. Hidden files work normally and are invisible only in the VAR menu, hence are well protected against overwriting. UNHIDE unhides the selected files by putting them on top of the directory. Clearly, if nothing is selected, just the scanned name will be hidden or unhidden. ´´ contains a small dummy (character H by default) but anything can be stored in it with the filer's STO function. We mention that also the so-called Hidden directory has a nullname but this one is unvisible in filers.
When pressing SPC in port (including the SD-card), a choose box as seen in the example screen is set. ARCHIVE archives the entire HOME directory including key assignments in the scanned port, with date&time stamp (on the card only date). Date format depends on flag -42. Key VAR uncovers the time of creation. Home backups or libraries should only temporarily stored in port0. Since the card does not accept long names, a HOME backup on the card displays only the date while a HOME backup in a standard port looks as in the screen, containing date&time of creation. For restoring, we suggest first pressing key T. This puts all candidates for RESTORE closely together. Then select the desired HOME backup and press RESTORE. In port2 or on the card there is enough room for several HOME backups.
ENTER Enter the selected directory and leave the filer. Equivalent to running CHDIR at the end of the built-in filer menu and then leaving with CANCEL. Shifted hardkeys: Besides ALPHA-shifting for name search, there are only 2 active shiftings: RS N (CHARS) for name sorting (because unshifted N has become EVAL on the 49+) and LS 2 (DEF) for defining or creating a new directory or file.
This option is much more powerful than NEW in the standard filer. Clearly, it errors in a standard port because it saves only backups or libraries. But it allows the creation of directories or files also on the SD-card from inside port3 or any of its subdirectories as shown in the screen-shot. This dialog box was launched after passing to the card to create the subdirectory SOURCE for downloading HP source files (as a rule ordinary text files). Hence, option Directory is checked. When crreating a directory, the Object field should be skipped. If pressing OK you'll see the subdirectory SOURCE, either in the card root or in the currently scanned card directly. The new directory is not empty but contains a dummy file named # (sharp), with the system binary # FFFFFh in it. This fixes a bug in operating system which doesn't allow the creation of files inside an empty card directory. Once having stored a useful file in SOURCE, you may purge '#'. To purge a card directory is presently only possible with a card reader. Finally, let us note that some other still working shiftings, e.g. leftshift N, are basically redundant since key I toggles Inversion for any kind of sorting.
HINT for newbees. We recommend storing Filer6 in port2 and attaching it to a key. E.g., to LS APPS, so that switching USR mode toggles Filer6 with the built-in filer. If you don't have libraries in the ports or only a few, COPY may save them on the card. But if many libs are used, they are better saved with
to keep the card easy to survey.
HINT for advanced users: The access to APPS makes the filers more powerful. E.g., if the APPS box contains BZDIR from OT49+, the scanned directory can be compressed as a whole inside the filer. Keep a copy of Filer6 in port2, for having access to it via the standard filer after a crash - one filer invokes another one smoothly. RS EDITB applies ASM2 for recompilation. Hence, extable should exist and the libraries 256 and 257 attached (which is granted provided OT49+ is present).
Credits. Thanks to Luis Morales Boisset for support in realizing the FIND option on ALPHA for the hp49g+.
Wolfgang Rautenberg - -